STEAM Experts Search

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Total Records Found: 127, showing 10 per page
Full Name Ralph C. Steeves, Jr.
Organization Ted Stevens' Marine Research Institute
Subjects Life Science/Biology, Earth Science
Grades pre K - 2, 3 - 5, 6 - 8, 9 - 12
Typical Availability During standard business hours (9-5)
Job Shadowing Maybe
Phone (907)-789-6050
Contact Method e-mail
About Me This outreach educator position primarily focuses on adult clients but do work with students with the Science on a Sphere mechanism. I do communicate with the educator seeking the resource and determine the targeted curriculum and create a program from th
Keywords NOAA fisheries science
Full Name Justin Parish
Organization Alaska Legislature
Subjects Life Science/Biology, Other
Grades pre K - 2, 3 - 5, 6 - 8, 9 - 12
Typical Availability Flexible
Job Shadowing Yes
Phone 9075008033
Contact Method Phone
About Me In my work I consume and digest a vast amount of information and am expected to render judgement on a host of issues, both ideological and somewhat technical.
Keywords Legislation, French, Biology
Full Name Rob Suryan
Organization NOAA Fisheries (Alaska Fisheries Science Center)
Subjects Life Science/Biology, Earth Science
Grades 3 - 5, 6 - 8, 9 - 12
Typical Availability Flexible
Job Shadowing Maybe
Phone 541-961-7576
Contact Method Email
About Me A former associate professor at Oregon State University, Now working for NOAA Fisheries in Juneau. Have mentored science projects for 3rd grade classes and given lots of presentations to elementary school classes back in Oregon. My unique specialty from
Keywords marine ornithology (seabirds), satellite tracking marine animals (mostly birds and mammals) with miniature tracking devices, satellite remote sensing, Field work on remote seabird colonies in Alaska, Hawaii, Japan, and Oregon. Applying new techNology to field data collection, including acoustic monitoring at seabird colonies.
Full Name Robert W Nigh
Organization neXus Data solutions
Subjects Chemistry, Other
Grades 6 - 8, 9 - 12
Typical Availability Flexible
Job Shadowing Yes
Phone 9072481466
Contact Method Email
About Me
Keywords Programming
Full Name Sarah Lewis
Organization UAF Cooperative Extension Service
Subjects Life Science/Biology, Chemistry, Engineering
Grades pre K - 2, 3 - 5, 6 - 8, 9 - 12
Typical Availability Flexible
Job Shadowing Yes
Contact Method Email
About Me I am an Assistant Professor for UAF teaching community-based (Non-university) classes on nutrition, food science, food safety, food preservation. I am also a licensed architect and always happy to do programs on the profession and practice of architecture
Keywords Architecture, food science
Full Name Sarah Power
Organization Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G)
Subjects Life Science/Biology, Other, Math
Grades pre K - 2, 3 - 5, 6 - 8, 9 - 12
Typical Availability a:1:{i:0;s:8:"Weekends";}
Job Shadowing Maybe
Contact Method Email
About Me Mostly I canNot come to the classroom to help out, and I would feel guilty if I spent my Non-work hours working apart from my own young children on a regular basis. However I have been mentoring a teacher teaching code from, and even made a virtu
Keywords Statistics, Mathematics, programming
Full Name Scott McCann
Organization U.S. Coast Guard
Subjects Life Science/Biology, Physical Science/Physics, Earth Science, Chemistry, Engineering, Other, Math
Grades pre K - 2, 3 - 5, 6 - 8, 9 - 12
Typical Availability Flexible
Job Shadowing Yes
Phone 9074632065
Contact Method Phone
About Me I'm the liaison for anything Coast Guard-related. We have experts in LOTS of different fields (some listed above), so if you're interested, I can try to match you with someone or help you myself if I can!
Keywords mechanical engineering, communication, ships, law enforcement, command centers, leadership, motorcycles, bicycles, waterways, Coast Guard
Full Name David Thomas
Organization Sentinel Coffee LLC
Subjects Other
Grades 12-Sep
Typical Availability Flexible
Job Shadowing No
Contact Method e-mail
About Me I am a coffee roaster in a private company. I can teach the trade with a bit of hands on learning
Keywords coffee, roasting, chemistry
Full Name Sharon Denton
Subjects Life Science/Biology
Grades pre K - 2
Typical Availability Flexible
Job Shadowing No
Phone 321-3005
Contact Method Phone
About Me I am more interested in the organization than actually teaching.
Keywords former teacher
Full Name shay wilson
Organization State of Alaska
Subjects Engineering, Math
Grades pre K - 2, 3 - 5, 6 - 8
Typical Availability Flexible
Job Shadowing No
Contact Method Email
About Me lots of time working with computers, graduated with BSEE, but don't do much electrical work, but could probably explain it reasonably well. Coding is a passion of mine.
Keywords Coding, Networking, Computers

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